PMPS (post mastectomy pain syndrome) can cause issues 1-7yrs after initial surgery therapy. At Fascia Lines gentle work is done on the entire torso including rib cage, shoulder girdle, neck, and arms. Scar tissue causes a gradual tightening of the shoulder girdle and rib cage causing alignment, breathing, and joint tracking issues. This leads to rotator cuff tears and shoulder pain, neck pain, shallow breathing, numbness and tingling in the arms, trouble sleeping, back pain, and diminished range of movement.
Combining tissue work with stretches and exercises helps guide the body while it heals or can help return it to neutral if it has long been disrupted. The client will also be taught ways to manage their mobility on their own.
Trauma to the Fascial Matrix has system wide consequences and thus the entire body must be addressed after any surgery.
**Email Laura @ for information on her FREE home recovery program for her PhD research study**
March 8th- Women's Wellness Workshop
sign up link and information on Fascia Lines Facebook page or
Early bird special pricing (makes a great Valentine's Day gift too)
Heart Health special 10$ off until February 15th!*
Gift certificates available!
Check Fascia Lines Facebook page for information on upcoming classes.
*prices shown are already discounted